Monday, June 13, 2011

Doral Broncos 90 lbs to be feared in 2011

Doral Broncos in 2011 better not be taken lightly. They have the will and determination to be very competitive in every game. Parents and players are incouraged to leave comments on this blog. Go Doral broncos 90 lbs. The Doral Broncos are in the Xtreme youth football league in South Florida. We need EVERY PLAYER to do 5 sets of 10 push ups and squats every day NO EXCUSES! Parents we need your help. You can lead by example and do them with your child. Also LOTS of FRUIT, FIBER and VEGGIES. LIMIT FAST FOOD PLEASE. We are serious and need you to be serious too! youth football highlights


  1. Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail!

  2. I love it, let's go Broncos!!!

  3. To all Doral Broncos 90 lns tackle youth football parents. We onlu have access to your kids about 6 hours a week. The rest of the time please enforce a push up, squat regimine and some running. It is good for them and will keep them from being injured more than a player not training. I know of kids doing 200 push ups, squats and sit ups before bed. Your child can easily do 50 of each and not even be considered pushing too hard. PLEASE HELP the team needs your help.

    Xtreme football, miami, youth football, pop warner football, sfyfl,

  4. This is the year!!!!!!! See you soon......

  5. The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer.
    John Madden, NFL American Football

  6. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little “extra.”

  7. practice is good cant wait to get pads on to hit someone

  8. Doral Broncos 90 lbs 2011 HIT TO HURT!!!!!


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